Tuesday. Part One.

Sending those emails was the best idea I've ever had. I woke up at 5:30 to get ready for my internship at this incredible bakery. 

Actually, my mom, my sister, and I woke up because my sister would drive us, first dropping off my mom at her work and then me at the bakery. We got there (at the bakery) around 7:10 — so early! The bakery team enters at 7:30, and I was like, "Ahh." Anyway, I introduced myself to Mr. Darwin, who was the supervisor. He gave me a hairnet, and I waited until it was time.

And it came. It was time to enter the pastry world!

The first task Miss Julissa gave me was one of the hardest! (I'm not kidding.) Separating egg whites and yolks.

The tricky thing is that I cannot let any bit of yolk fall into the whites because it will be a problem when they use them for meringue or macarons. It was a big responsibility. I obviously did it. I ended up cracking more than 300 eggs. I separated eggs from approximately 12 egg cartons.

Later, Mr. Darwin gave me a task. He is really nice and a good teacher.

I had to cut 12,000 grams of carrots into chunks and then put them in a food processor to triturate them! (I didn't count them, but it was a huge bowl of carrots—more than thirty!)

I learned how that machine worked because there wasn't a small food processor. It was exciting! I really liked that task. It was funny because I recently bought some items at Chokolat (for market study purposes), and among them was carrot cake. And today, I was part of making it.

Noon was approaching, and like Cinderella (but in the afternoon), I had to go, but not before doing my third task: wrapping sucrée dough in film paper.

It was an enormous bowl of dough, and I was able to pack half of it because it was 12:15. It was heavy putting portions of dough, but it felt nice. It was so soft!

Then, I left, but not before registering my face for my time out.

Around 8:30, the HR manager went to find me to register my face on the time clock machine.

I took off the hairnet, let down my hair, and went to another place (I will tell you where in the next post).

That's how my first day ended. There were many areas, and the whole team was extremely talented, focused, and super fast. I can't wait to see how this goes!

Pdta: ¡¡Vi a las dos hermanas dueñas!! Una estaba explicando a un grupo de supervisores cómo estaban divididas las áreas y la otra estaba con la jefa de cocina hablando sobre los pedidos y planificar muchas preparaciones. 

Procesador de alimentos 


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