Sisters attacked by dragonflies

Sisters attacked by dragonflies 

This incident took place in the city of Guayaquil, inside the house of the affected sisters. They were lying on their beds, preparing to sleep.

The lights were off in the room where the Alejandro sisters were resting when, at around 11 p.m., an unexpected noise startled them. Fiorella said, “I thought it was a cat that had entered the room because it sounded like it was scratching the wall.”

It turned out that some dragonflies, or libélulas, had entered through a small gap in the window. These insects have become more common with the arrival of the winter season, and their rapid flight produces sounds that would surprise anyone. Yelena recalled, “It sounded like they crashed against the plastic we have above our beds, and there were about five dragonflies.”

Fortunately, they had mosquito bed nets, which proved useful as they protected them from the dragonflies. Although these insects are not dangerous, the sisters do not like insect, especially not when they are about to fall asleep.

The sisters stayed calm, opened the window, and after a few minutes, the dragonflies left the room.

Winter is coming, dear reader, so make sure you don’t leave your windows open and use mosquito nets. Otherwise, some unexpected visitors might turn your peaceful night into a battle against them.

Pdta: Esta divertida historia es muy reciente y fue escrita en modo noticiero con fines académicos.


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