Thursday 20th - Busy day

My sister is better! Our personal taxi driver is officially back, ladies and gentlemen—just kidding. Although she’s feeling better, she’s still coughing and taking her medicine, but at least she doesn’t have a fever anymore.

Today at the bakery, I was really busy. I started by painting tart shells, then filling them with lemon curd, placing them in plastic containers, and putting them in the refrigerator so the other station could decorate them with meringue later.

After that, Melanie told me to count 100 lemons to zest in the stand mixer. I finished super quickly—astonishing. She even told me I was fast at zesting lemons. I’ll take that compliment. Maybe that’s why she asked me to count 50 more, haha. In the end, I zested 150 lemons.

Later, it was time to glaze mini cakes:

  • Lemon: 114
  • Orange: 102

I took a tray from the freezer, grabbed another one, counted them, then  I put the rest back in the cold storage and glazed the others. I finished glazing and zesting the lemon mini cakes, but while Melanie was glazing the orange ones, I was zesting oranges. I was trying to be as fast as possible because the glaze dries en un abrir y cerrar de ojos or in the blink of an eye, and that’s when I accidentally grated my finger and started bleeding—my first battle scar.

Melanie was like: "Yeah, gajes del oficio or occupational hazard."
And I was like: "Not a single drop of blood got on the mini cakes, right?"
Relax, not.

I dried my wound, put on gloves, and continued zesting oranges over the mini cakes. We finished in three minutes—102 mini cakes!

Then, Melanie took orange, lemon, and carrot loaf cakes out of the freezer. Same routine: she glazed them while I zested or sprinkled the dehydrated carrot. When we finally finished and took everything to the packaging room, I greased some loaf molds—obviously cleaning the station first, pivotal.

Finally, she had me counting tart shells and separating them based on how many she needed for each flavor for events—like 70 for hazelnut tarts and 4 for passion fruit tarts.

Technical Explanation:

Melanie explained how she manages things:
She tries to abastecerse de or stock up on mini and loaf cakes for local sales until Wednesday. mini and loaf cakes for local sales until Wednesday. Then, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (if she has to come in), she focuses on preparing and finishing all mini tarts for events. She follows a list from the office that tells her how many tarts of each flavor to make.

When I finished that, she asked me to set aside the paler tart shells to bake them until golden. I did that, and once they were ready, I started painting them with chocolate. I finished the chocolate ones, but for the vanilla ones, I only managed to do one tray because I had to leave so my sister could pick me up at 12:20 sharp.

The funny thing is, when I walked out of the building (after the security guard checked my bag), I took just a few steps to the corner, and just at that moment, my sister arrived.

In my mind, I was like: "¡Qué gran servicio!" It felt surreal, haha.

But my sister? She was like:
"How long have you been waiting for me?"
And I was like: "Nothing."

She went: "Ah!" (Because she wanted revenge for yesterday when I had her waiting and roasting in the car for five minutes.)

Bad luck, sis. In fact, it actually looked really cool that you arrived exactly on time for me, haha.

Pdta: It was funny. Love you, sis.


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