The piping bag

Working as a pastry chef is really beautiful but messy! At least for me, as a beginner.

This is my fourth day in the bakery factory, and I was moved to another station: the cake station.

Here, they make mini and loaf cakes in flavors like lemon, orange, and carrot. They glaze and decorate them too.

The lady in charge had me fill mini rectangular silicone molds with lemon cake batter using a piping bag. It was a large piping bag, which I’m not used to working with. She showed me a bit about how to fill and hold it, and I did the best I could. The molds had to be filled with 34 grams of batter… lemon... or orange? (I couldn’t tell!)

It took me two and a half hours to finish filling all the molds with that cold, dense batter, which was in a large container. And, of course, my apron ended up soiled because I had trouble managing it while refilling it.

First, I worked as slow as a sloth. Second, this was a wake-up call to improve my piping bag skills, because it can’t be normal to get dirty all the time.

When I finally finished, she gave me the carrot cake batter, which was in an even larger container. I had to fill each mold with 44 grams of batter. But I only managed to do a few because it was 12:30, so time to go!

Pdta: Cada lunes, dan dos trapos blancos que tienen que durar hasta el viernes... hoy ensucié los dos.

By Worldofvector

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