
My sister brought home cinnamon rolls!!! When she pulled the car into the garage, she told me she had brought me something, and that’s when I noticed the box. She bought them at The Smart Roll and chose two flavors: blueberry and Ferrero. I warmed them up in the microwave, and they tasted amazing. The dough was soft, with many layers, and full of flavor. I rate them a 10 out of 10!

But the post would be so short, so I will tell you about the anime because I am still watching this one called Lovely Complex, and I don't know how to describe it. It is funny, but the main boy exasperates me. I am by the 10th episode, and I feel like I have watched 20 because many things happen all at once. However, I’m into it. Just, I want to know how the main couple will develop, because they are in the friendzone. 

Pdta: ¿Sabías que los rollos de canela se originaron en Suecia alrededor de 1920 y se conocen allá como kanelbullar? De seguro que no, por eso aquí te dejo el dato.


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