My Archenemy Since Forever
My mom sometimes complains about who came up with the idea of inventing clothes, especially considering the quantity we have. It’s hard for me to imagine people without clothes, but the truth is... sometimes I agree. I hate doing laundry.
Even though I know “hate” is a
strong word, I feel deep loathing in my heart for this chore. We’re already 19
days into 2025, and I still hadn’t washed my pile of clothes from last
year, until today, when I finally said, enough is enough.
Obviously, the everyday clothes went straight into the washing machine, but some pieces need to be washed by hand to keep them in good condition. And those were the ones I had been avoiding.
Today, my torture started at 2:30 p.m. and finished at 3:45 p.m.
I hope I’m not the only one who hates doing laundry so much that it feels blog-post worthy. I know not everyone feels the same way. There are people, like my mom, who find laundry relaxing when they’re stressed. That’s something I’ll never understand, pero cada quién.
Now all the clotheslines are full of my freshly washed laundry, and tomorrow—if the sun comes out—I’ll have to take them down.
In conclusion, not doing laundry
is one of the reasons why I want to be a millionaire.
Pdta:¿Es normal que cuando es día de lavar ropa, me ponga de mal humor o grumpy? Después se me pasa, lo prometo.
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